As we all know there is a right way and a wrong way to go about everything. To help anyone who is not clear on this I am going to give an example of doing something the right way and the wrong way.
Stealing GHOST SHIP'S album title for your new clothing line name, coupling that with a direct rip off of a recent Seventh Dagger shirt as your logo and finishing off with a "Don't Tread On Me" shirt though not as blatant but we did do one of these less than a year ago. Great job guys!
I understand paying homage to an idea by cleverly reworking their idea ie: our Agnostic Front or Public Enemy shirts. We took their ideas re worked the art and added our own spin on the idea. That is paying tribute to your influences NOT stealing from them.

Now I hate dwelling on the negative so here is the RIGHT way to do something!
Start a clothing line, have a sincere message, an original idea, and a good cause that you are backing! I could not have been more stoked when I saw this shirt design and what they were doing with the profits today! Great job Dead Armor! Everyone should check these guys out and if you can afford it support their cause! Get yours HERE
Since we are on the subject. Seventh Dagger has taken the money it makes as a label over the years and supported not only releasing straightedge bands, but we have done fund raisers for numerous causes. If you are getting ready to start your new straightedge clothing line do something unique and don't start it as a way to get that extra money you need for rent, Nikes or records get a job for that stuff. I don't really care that these guys ripped us off or about the 400 other times I have seen upstart, flash in the pan sxe clothing designers steal our ideas because I know like the rest of them these guys will be gone in less than a year so who cares. The real points of this article are be creative and follow through on your own ideas and when choosing where to spend your money choose the people out there offering you something unique that supports the ideals you believe in. XXX
These guys are actually solid dudes. I didn't really think using cold truth as a name for a brand was such a big deal. Personally I thought it was cool. They said they really love ghostxship and they wanted to use that song title BC they really liked it and it was inspirational. You can be upset BC they are taking bits and pieces but this company literally just started that site and ideas, last week. Give it time and shit changes and will turn around and they will make a great name for themselves. I hope. xXx
ReplyDeleteAnd hey! Bring back the damn edge Hoodies!
ReplyDeleteHey Justin I agree if they had just called themselves Cold Truth clothing without blatantly stealing our Storm Trooper shirt design for their logo that might have been acceptable. However when you add the name, the logo and again much less blatant but the "Don't Tread On Me" shirt it really looks bad for these guys. Also having just started now is a good time to start defining who they are and what they are doing and stealing their initial ideas is a bad starting point. Hopefully when they read this post instead of being mad they make the changes to be a respected and unique voice in the world instead of a boring copycat. Also justin new hoodies and jackets are both a week or two away. Thanks for your comment Justin
ReplyDeleteYeah man, they are redoing it all now actually. Haha yessss
ReplyDeleteBeen waiting on new Hoodies! Bought your vinyl actually. Can't wait for that.
But I understand exactly what you mean. Reminds me of a job interview. You have 5 seconds to make a good impression (based off what you wear) and in this case... I guess its how you start off.