So last weekend we had the good people from SOROS MEDIA head up to SYRACUSE to film the new GHOST x SHIP video for the song "Cold Truth" at an impromptu show at STRONG HEARTS (a vegan straightedge owned and operated restaurant). While there they conducted interviews with Karl Buechner (Earth Crisis) Jonathan Dennison (The Promise, Unholy, Path of Resistance) Paul Swimm (Blackout Rage, Meltdown) and the good people at Strong Hearts as well. We plan on putting together a documentary to be released through Seventh Dagger about straightedge this footage is our first steps towards that goal. We don't have a time frame for when this will be done, I can say right now its going to be a while. We will be releasing clips from it as we go just to keep you up on our progress. I want to take this time to thank SOROS MEDIA for stepping up to the plate and working with us on this. Without their help this project would be impossible. For now here are some still shots from the weekend...