Well, first off, it is now just me (Mike) on vocals and we have gotten a new drummer and two new guitarists. The sound is completely different than what it was on "Versus the World" - basically comparable to Disembodied and Ramallah with all kinds of 90's influences. Everything has matured greatly and we're stoked to let everyone hear this new stuff.
You guys start recording in January 27th what should everyone expect from this next record?
Expect the unexpected. We have an instrumental track that has violins - that should give everyone a sense of how we are pushing ourselves with this record. The anger and hate for humanity are still there in full force and the music has progressed immensely and gotten a lot heavier.

Whats the title of the new record and lyrically what subjects will you be covering on this next record?
I am still in the works as far as a title but the record has a theme of punishment - punishing those who have committed horrible acts against their fellow human beings. We have songs about rape, child molestation, child abuse, and the struggles of having a mental illness.
You champion the cause RAINN really hard can you tell everyone whats it all about? RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network) is an organization that has done wonders for those who have survived sexual assault (anything from attempted rape to incest). RAINN set up and operates the National Sexual Assault Hot line (1-800-656-HOPE) as well as the National Sexual Assault Online Hot line (which can be found at RAINN.org). After surviving something as horrifying as sexual assault, survivors might feel alone or helpless and this is where RAINN can help out but in this day and age, it is near impossible to do anything without having funds and volunteers to back it so as a band, we really wanted to step up and take on an active roll and participate in helping RAINN.
You champion the cause RAINN really hard can you tell everyone whats it all about? RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network) is an organization that has done wonders for those who have survived sexual assault (anything from attempted rape to incest). RAINN set up and operates the National Sexual Assault Hot line (1-800-656-HOPE) as well as the National Sexual Assault Online Hot line (which can be found at RAINN.org). After surviving something as horrifying as sexual assault, survivors might feel alone or helpless and this is where RAINN can help out but in this day and age, it is near impossible to do anything without having funds and volunteers to back it so as a band, we really wanted to step up and take on an active roll and participate in helping RAINN.
What are your plans for touring in 2010?
After we record in January, we will head to Mexico in March for two weeks. Once we get back, we will be doing a west coast tour and come summer, we will hopefully FINALLY hit the east coast...something we've wanted to do since our inception.
Why is Taxi Driver the best movie ever made?
The movie unfolds like a vicious fantasy and instead of the insanity and obsession being forced and being explained, it's just shown and it comes flowing out. There are parts of this movie (the American Bandstand "Late for the Sky" scene for example) where I can sit and get completely lost and forget I'm even watching a movie. Aside from that, I (along with a lot of others it seems) can relate to Travis Bickle's loneliness, despair, hatred and absolute disgust.